I was floating down the Clackamas River in Oregon last Sunday with a group of friends. While we were waiting for our friends to get the car we had left at the top of the river, two of my friends set up a slack-line between two trees (A slack-line is a legitimate hobby that consists of tightrope walking between two tree on climbing gear). A park ranger told us that it was against the rules to have "that thing up." My friends asked if he was sure that was the rule, because it is legal in most city parks. He replied that there was a sherrif around we could ask, so my friend thought that would be a good idea. One of my friends began to take down the rope even before the sherrif got over to us, they really were just curious about the rules reguarding the slack-line. The sherrif began yelling at my friend who had asked to verify the rules with him, and wrote him a ticket. Meanwhile, he had two other officers come over to the rest of the group to record our date of births, because "he had a suspicion we were drinking." Since I was the only one of my friends under twenty one, I was the only one he called over. He had asked if I had been drinking that day, and I replied that I hadn't. He asked once more, which I again responded that I hadn't. He then asked me to take a breathalyzer. I refused to take it. We had no beer or alcohol with us, and no one in our group was obviously intoxicated. He asked me to blow in his face, so I did. He claimed he could smell the beer on me from 3 feet away, and gave me an MIP and a court date. I believe the sherrif thought that we were drunk, and that was the reason we had created the slack-line. He did not no what a slack-line was, so I think he thought we had just made it up. Now I have a court date on august 1st, and I am just not really sure what I should expect or what I should do.