Alcohol & Drugs: MIP, MIC, Intoxication MIP in michigan

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New Member
alright so i was at a party and the cops showed up and everybody piled out the back door. a group of girls and i got told to stop so we did so and the cop gave us breathalyzer tests. i blew a .03 and this is my first offense. does anybody know what i may be sentenced to? and will this be able to be wiped from my record?
Gee ! how come lots of kids got caught in Michigan for MIP . :)
Anyway In Michigan MIP law for first timer is
max $100 fine
Community services
abuse treatment classes (maybe $70)
PSI (presentence investigation maybe $90) you will see a probation officer this depend on what county you're in.
No action on your driver license
you will be on probation for 1 year then after you're done with all of your requirements they will wipe your name off the record .
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