Alcohol & Drugs: MIP, MIC, Intoxication mip tallahassee

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New Member
i was arrested with mip at a party. what kind of punishment am i looking at
i was on the back porch with a plastic cup in my hand, i saw a flashlight on me so i dropped my cup, the cop came up cuffed me and picked up the cup, said it looks like beer smells like beer, must be beer. he didnt read me my rights or give me a breathilyzer. he searched my wallet and pockets. he then put me in the back of his cruiser where he wrote me up and gave me a court date, then released me.
he kinda assumed it was my cup he was picking up....
but i dont want to lie in court
what are my options, do i have grounds to fight it
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You holding the cup is enough for possession. Your lawyer could try to reduce the charge……….Depending on what county your lawyer or court appointed lawyer would best advice on the best course of action to take. Your best hope is to reduce the charge or your lawyer would see if there is any procedural violation by the cop to overturn the ticket. Only a lawyer in your county can tell you the best way to proceed or the best deal he can get…………it varies from county to county.
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