Alcohol & Drugs: MIP, MIC, Intoxication Mip

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I'm 19 and my friends & I were right by our house and our one friend wouldnt get out of the car and then started to freak out and starting fighting two of my friends I was with. So the neighbors saw what was going on and called the cops, the cops came and took the girl that started fighting us to jail and then gave me and my friend a breathalizer and then gave both of us MIPs but we didnt have alcohol on us so shouldnt of they gave us MICs? & also this is my fist charge so what should I expect to happen when I go to court tomorrow? I was going to go in early tomorrow and talk to the prosecuting attorney but I just need to know what is probably gonna happen.
You are free to attempt to argue the alcohol in your system was not in your possession, however, I think common sense will prevail.
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