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New Member
hello i need an answer and hopefully u can help me! a few yrs ago i cosigned for my ex fiance a vehicle! when we seperated he filed bankrupcy and the truck was on it! a yr ago he got put in prison, i was wondering since my name is on the title as well can i tag and insure the vehicle since he is in prison but its under bankrupcy?
Yes, it is as much your vehicle as it is his -- However if he still has the vehicle, then he had to have reaffirmed the account ( he is paying it every month to the bank) so you need to pay it too, or it will go into default
well the thing is when he filed bankrupcy he filed i think chapter 13 and that means its paid off but i was told that if he filed bankrupcy they was suppose to come repo it as soon as he went to prison
Just because you file bankruptcy and then go to prison is not ground for them to repo the car-- unless the payments go into default-- you need to talk to the bank ASAP
no he does not have the title, when he filed bankrupcy he stilled owed on so the bank still has it! i wont get it for 7 yrs until then its tied up! its jus sittin out here rotting bc i cant sell it and im scared to spend money on the insurance and tags and then it get repoed!
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