

New Member
I work for a government contractor. I have been notified that I am being investigated for mischarging.

My question is:
Would it benefit me in any way to just resign now?
My question is:
Would it benefit me in any way to just resign now?

If you resigned, the inquisitor's inquisition isn't likely to stop.

You have the RIGHT to hire an attorney to protect your interests, perhaps your freedom.

You have the RIGHT to remain silent.

Anything you SAY, can and will be used against you in one of their courts, tribunals, administrative hearings, or even the inquisitor's internal inquisition.


miranda warning.jpg
I have been notified that I am being investigated for mischarging.

Been notified by whom?
Notified in what manner?
Being investigated by whom?
What sort of investigation?
Mischarging whom?
Mischarging for what?
Is it just you that's being investigated, or is your employer being investigated?

Would it benefit me in any way to just resign now?

The only way anyone here could answer this question intelligently is if we had information that you absolutely should NOT be providing to anyone in a public forum such as this. Depending on the answers to the questions I asked, you probably should be conferring with a local attorney for advice.
have you notified your employer or are they the ones investigating? If an outside agency or your contract customer, does your employer have EPLI or other liability insurance? Have they notified the insurance carrier? You might be able to get legal protection through the insurance company but agree with all the others to NOT discuss this on the internet.

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