Parole, Probation misdameanor vop whille on felony probation

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A friend of mine is on probation for a misdemeanor dui and also on felony probation for withholding info from a doctor, today her misdemeanor probation officer violated her due to a dirty urine test, she has to go back to court in a month for the violation, question is, will this misdemeanor violation also violate her felony probation, she has 2 separate probation officers, 1 for the felony and 1 for the misdemeanor
Probably. The terms of the probation are likely similar. Part of the conditions of probation is to inform the probation officer of contact with law enforcement. The probation officer for the felony will certainly want to know about the violation of the misdemeanor offense... failing to inform the felony PO may be enough reason to violate the felony probation anyway. Best to be honest about it before it turns into a bigger problem than it needs to be.
mightymouse, thank you, now i dont know if it matters, her misdemeanor po did not arrest her the po just gave her a court date to show up to address the violation
She knows her own probation terms better than I do.
Arrested or not, being ordered to appear in court for a drug charge is significant, and the other probation officer might be quite ticked if the information comes from anyone but the person on probation.
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