Premises Liability Mismanagement and Embezzlement by HOA

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ACCORDING TO CIVIL CODE 1941.1 the existence of high levels of mold growth requires the immediate remediation of a property by the ''landlord or property management company. It's important to note however, that the standards established by the Department of Health Services requires that all repairs made to the building be conducted by a licensed contractor. If the housing authority conducted an inspection which reflected ''suspect mold'' prior to our move-in aren't they required to inform us. Our landlord did not refund our security deposit ''claiming we caused damages and caused his mold infestation. We performed our own mold testing of the unit we rented and the common area laundry room. Our test results shows mold exists in our rental and the common area laundry room. My wife was rushed to the E.R resulting in the loss of our baby. It's common knowledge that the property management company uses unlicensed contractors, WHO SHOULD WE CONTACT
If you feel you have been harmed, speak with a local lawyer.

The local health department MIGHT assist you, or some other branch of county or municipal government.

To determine if such help is available, contact your local elected leaders, city hall, the mayor, the county administrator, or other such local government.

Don't expect too much help, your state is broke.

But, even if it weren't, not much is done to assist people with mold issues.

In the future, do your own inspection before renting.

Trust yourself, not others.

Good luck.
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