Missapropriation of Funds

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New Member
My husband and I are going through a situation where his grandmother passed in May 2008 and left him a substantial sum of money. His sister was named executrix of the estate and she is also a beneficiary which is causing some major conlict. She will not let us have a copy of the will or give us ANY information regarding the will and she is also telling my husband that he owes her money for everything that his father has purchased for him ie: car, furnature, cell phones etc. She has kept every receipt for all items his father bought him going back years and years ago. The thing is, is that we have no assets or money right now and she is planning on taking it of his inheiritance, is that at all legal? Also in October of 2008 she purchased $230,000 worth of land with his grandmother's life insurance, shouldn't she have used that to pay back the estate and creditors? Anytime we bring up the money she goes off on a rant about how greedy and uncaring we are, her saying this AFTER I have lost my car and am having to sell everything we own to pay bills while trying to get through school....sorry I am very bitter. The point of the matter is, should we bring up a lawsuit or at ther very least get a lawyer to obtain the will for us? Any help at all will be very appreciated.
she is also telling my husband that he owes her money for everything that his father has purchased for him ie: car, furnature, cell phones etc. She has kept every receipt for all items his father bought him going back years and years ago. The thing is, is that we have no assets or money right now and she is planning on taking it of his inheiritance, is that at all legal?

Maybe, maybe not. Maybe those things could be considered advances on his inheritance.

You can obtain a copy of the will by contacting the courthouse where it's filed. I would contact an estates attorney ASAP before she dissipates any more of the estate.
Those things still could be considered advances of the money even if there has never been any agreement or any knowledge of the items bought years ago being "billed" to him? I agree that we do need to get an attorney very soon to stop her outrageous spending. Thank you so much for the advice.
About the advancement... Back up a second, I was confused about the parties and who was buying these things. It doesn't make sense for her to charge your husband's share of the estate for things his father bought. :)
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