i drive a tow truck i am paid the same pay each week i am not a manager nor do we run under dot there for we make no runs out of state we go no mare tha 100 miles in state i am scheduled monday-friday 8am-5pm and every other weekend so on week i work 45hrs the next week 108 hrs i dont believe that my weekends are considered on call for the fact that all companay phones are transferred to me so i have to take all calls for body shop,mechanics and office personel and i also have a limited time to respond to a call 15-45 min no matter where the call is i am not premitted to use of truck for own use and if i dont work the scheduled weekend i am docked 3 days pay for example went on vacation took 8 days instead of 5 after 4 years with the companay was docked 24hrs pay was paid $84 for the 36hrs i worked before i left. am i right to assume that im misclassified as an exempt saleried employee and what should i do