Hello. I Am A Minor And Felt The Need To Ask What To Do In A Situation That I Am In. My Mother Pays Child Support Since I Live With My Father. However, The Checks Have Been Misused For Himself Instead of Being used For Me And My Younger Brother's Needs. I No Longer Live With My Father. I Live With Someone Else And He Is Still Misusing The Checks For The Inappropriate Things. Who Should I Report This To As for I know This Is illegal on his behalf. Help please. Also what are the consequences of him misusing the child support checks
Even a wonderful father such as yours, who spends the money on dope, booze, his GOOD kids he loves more than you,clothes, gambling, sexual services "workers:, or any other vice father may possess; is perfectly within his rights to feed you "Pork N Beans" or Bologna Sandwiches on three day old bread, while he eats lobster, boozes it up, shoots heroin, and entertains sexual services "workers" with the money your mother pays him is violating no law.
Yes, that's right, the money isn't yours, snowflake, its entirely, solely, exclusively for the abuse and misuse of ImPerfect Poppa Pumper.
You asked what consequences could befall your sweet poppa, didn't you, petunia?
NONE, NADA, ZIP, ZILCH, ZERO consequences negatively, sunflower.
Your Poppa will reap many pleasant, long lasting "highs", which will wash away any memories he may acquire of ungrateful, greedy, evil, little, rotten spawn.
Curses, foiled again!!!
Way to go, ImPerfect Poppa Pumper.
Even if you had a case, snowflake, you couldn't pursue it.
You're a minor, chestnut.
You precious gumdrops, minors that is, have ZERO rights.
Yes, minors have no rights and are what the law terms, "legal incompetents".
So, rose petal, you couldn't pursue your case in any court of law, because courts only recognize adults, buttercup.