Other Criminal Charges & Offenses Modestan concerned about suge.


New Member
What is the name of your state? CA. I read he's in wasco down south. I see this petition to free suge due to covid. It's disappointing how close it is to the 1,500 required. Um, 1. How likely is it that he'll be freed if 1,500 is hit? 2. I read time he's done counts. If he doesn't serve his full 28, when's the soonest he'll get out. 3. I heard there can be a pardon from ray j and trump/Biden or something. How likely is it such factors will influence an early release? Death Row Records founder wants compassionate prison release
I see this petition to free suge due to covid. It's disappointing how close it is to the 1,500 required. Um, 1. How likely is it that he'll be freed if 1,500 is hit?

That petition is unlikely to have much, if any, effect on the judge's ruling. The judge is going to make the decision based on the arguments presented by his lawyer and the Justice Department.

2. I read time he's done counts. If he doesn't serve his full 28, when's the soonest he'll get out.

There is a dispute between the DOJ and his lawyers regarding whether the Marshall's correctly determined his sentence. The judge will have to decide the correct computation. Even if he's freed from federal prison, he may still have state time to serve.

3. I heard there can be a pardon from ray j and trump/Biden or something.

Only the President of the United States can give him a pardon or commutation of his sentence. I think it is very unlikely that Micheal Harris would get a pardon or commutation from either Trump or Biden or that Suge will get a pardon from Governor Newsome.
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I read he's in wasco down south. I see this petition to free suge due to covid. It's disappointing how close it is to the 1,500 required.

What's a suge, and what does "the 1,500" refer to?

I heard there can be a pardon from ray j and trump/Biden or something.

I have no idea who/what "ray j" is, but Wasco is a state prison (and not one where someone sentenced to 28 years would be confined), and the U.S. President has authority to pardon only folks convicted of federal crimes and no authority to pardon folks convicted of state crimes. Only the Governor of California can do that.
What's a suge, and what does "the 1,500" refer to?

I have no idea who/what "ray j" is, but Wasco is a state prison (and not one where someone sentenced to 28 years would be confined), and the U.S. President has authority to pardon only folks convicted of federal crimes and no authority to pardon folks convicted of state crimes. Only the Governor of California can do that.
How likely is it newsome will override his manslaughter charge?
That petition is unlikely to have much, if any, effect on the judge's ruling. The judge is going to make the decision based on the arguments presented by his lawyer and the Justice Department.

There is a dispute between the DOJ and his lawyers regarding whether the Marshall's correctly determined his sentence. The judge will have to decide the correct computation. Even if he's freed from federal prison, he may still have state time to serve.

Only the President of the United States can give him a pardon or commutation of his sentence. I think it is very unlikely that Suge would get a pardon or commutation from either Trump or Biden.
How likely is it newsome will override his manslaughter charge? Also how likely is it suge stays another at least 10 years??
How likely is it newsome will override his manslaughter charge?

I'm still not sure to whom you're referring or what a "suge" is. The article to which you linked would only stay open for a couple seconds before telling me I have to input identifying information, which I'm not doing. I think it mentioned someone named Michael Harris. I googled that name with "prison," and it appears Mr. Harris is incarcerated in federal prison in Lompoc, CA, which means it would be the President, and not California's governor, to whom a pardon request might be submitted. I can't imagine why either President Trump or President-Elect Biden might pardon some rapper, but stranger things have happened. Ultimately, no one here will have any insight into the pardon process.
I'm still not sure to whom you're referring or what a "suge" is.

Suge is the rapper nick name of Marion Knight, Jr., the former force behind Death Row Records, a label that promoted gangster rap. He was also associated with Micheal Harris (who was one of the subjects of that article), who also also a rap music executive. Both are currently in prison and both are trying for early release, whether on compassionate release grounds or other grounds. Suge was sentenced by a California court two years ago to 28 years in prison two years ago and currently is scheduled for release in 2038. Harris is, as you noted, serving time in federal prison.
Suge is the rapper nick name of Marion Knight, Jr., the former force behind Death Row Records, a label that promoted gangster rap. . . . both are trying for early release, whether on compassionate release grounds or other grounds. Suge was sentenced by a California court two years ago to 28 years in prison two years ago and currently is scheduled for release in 2038.

In that case,

How likely is it newsome will override his manslaughter charge? Also how likely is it suge stays another at least 10 years?

I would imagine that there is pretty much zero chance that even a governor as moronic as Newsom would pardon a convicted killer after only a couple years in prison.

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