Mold growing in home and landlord wont fix it

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I am a mother of three small children and we moved into this home in georgia about 2 years ago with my boyfriend who has been here 7 years.Since we moved in I noticed black mold growing in every room.I have worked constantly trying to "remove" the problem.Last year we had a leaking roof and that only made the problem worse we informed the landlord of the leaking roof and after about a month he fixed the roof but when I told him about the mold problem he told me it is not his problem that he makes the rent so cheap that we can afford to fix the stuff.Now because of the mold,my 6 year old has severe nose bleeds,I have female health issues,I am suffering with dizziness,fatigue,hair loss and memory loss,my boyfriend has heart palpations,irregular heart beat,we are all sick all the time with what thought to be the flu.I have called our local health department and CDC,The EPA and even the code enforcement and no one will help me they tell me there is nothing they can do because it is a private residents I need to know what I can do to (1)make the landlord clean this up or (2)get him to reimburse us for our pain and suffering and health related issues due to living in a uninhabitable environment.
1. You contact the landlord in writing (so you have documentation) saying that he needs to make certain the area where the roof leaked is dry or let you out of your lease.

2. Nothing. You have no proof that 1. this mold is one of only two or three of the many (literally) thousands of different strains of mold and mildew out there that has been linked with health issues and 2. that any of your symptoms are directly linked to this mold.

Please understand that, unfortunately, the fear of mold has grown to unreasonable and often hysterical proportions and because of this the courts require accurate proof on the type of mold this is as well as clear and accurate medical documentation linking any symptoms to this mold.

One hint...while mold can be temporarily removed with bleach and water, spraying the area with a combination of hydrogen peroxide and water will often take care of the problem permanently (unless, of course, the area it grows in remains wet).

Georgia (with it's hot and humid weather) is an excellent environment for growing mold in moist or enclosed areas such as bathrooms, closets and in certain areas of the kitchen.

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