Mold in Attic

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New Member
I discovered mold in my 13 year old home's attic. It is confined to the trusses which is the A-frame construction that hold the roof up. I had a mold inspector come in and have another in a couple days. The inspection revealed no roof leaks and adequate ventilation. They felt that the trusses had mold on them to begin with. This might make sense since these trusses are pre-built then shipped to the construction site. All other areas like the joists, particle roof board and ceiling drywall were not affected. Who knows how long the pre-builts sat in the rain. If the 2nd inspection reveals the same root cause analysis, do I have recourse for a small claim with the builder? The structural warranty ran out at 10 years although I don't think mold was specified in that warranty. Thoughts and suggestions?
The structural warranty would not cover mold and you are going to have a very hard time convincing a judge or jury that this mold has it's origins in some action that was taken over 13 years ago. Even if you did this was discoverable a long time ago and I imagine the statute of limitations has run and you would be barred from taking action.
The structural warranty would not cover mold and you are going to have a very hard time convincing a judge or jury that this mold has it's origins in some action that was taken over 13 years ago. Even if you did this was discoverable a long time ago and I imagine the statute of limitations has run and you would be barred from taking action.

I don't want this thread to die if someone has encountered the same situation with a different viewpoint but I unfortunately agree with you.
Every time one of us answers it will get thrust to the top of the pile under the "new posts" button. Good luck in finding the answer you want. Who knows, I could be wrong. :)
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