I am a current tenant at an apartment complex. A few months ago I found out there has been a problem with mold in the complex. Tenants have had mold visible growing and one tenant even had mold growing on the plastic in her nose after rhinoplasty. Since August I have had cold-like symptoms, fatigue, depression, and a chronic cough. I have always been a healthy individual and have never had a chronic sickness. I did mold tests on the air in my apartment and they came back with results of black mold and a rapid growth. My landlord bought me 2 air purifiers and paid for the tests. That was the last action taken. I have no been to the ER with symptoms of shortness of breath and my chronic cold-like symptoms. Because of being sick they gave me a few days off school and work. I got fired for calling off and now have to make-up days at school. I want to break my lease which is still in effect till August '09. The mold issues are severe enough for me to miss school and lose my job. I believe this is a sick building syndrome and need to know where I stand legally. Can I break the lease? Can I sue for lost income? Please someone help me!!!