Mom died- no will- no money left except $485.00 check

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Hello- please help...
My mother died the end of April. She had no will, and very little money left. She wrote a rent check before she died which I had to get back from the landlord because it would not clear. I covered the rent (280.00) out of my own checking account so it would clear. I was hoping to get a majority of it back because we packed up her apartment right away. I just got the prorated rent and deposit check in the mail under my mother's name. I told the landlord I had no way to access any funds under her name but they sent the check under her name and over half the money is mine.

Is there any way to become Executor (or whatever) so I can get the money without having to go through an attorney?

Thank you for your time... Renee
Generally speaking, at best you can hope for a small estate administration law in your state. Even then, one creditor wipes out your ability to legally collect the money totally. I would write it off. You should have arranged for the landlord to take the final amounts out of the deposit. I'm sorry.
My condolences on the recent loss of your mother.

I'm afraid you made a big mistake.

You weren't responsible for paying Mom's debts.

If mom died with very limited financial holdings, there's nothing for you to recover.

The landlord owed her, not you.

You can chase your tail for little gain.
If mom has stocks, bonds, CDS, a safety deposit box,
property, etc... It might be worth discussing it with a lawyer. If you're chasing a few hundred bucks in deposit receipts, you'd first have to be appointed executor/executrix of her estate. That you could possibly recoup something. Know this, that ain't free, and if you do that, the probate court will want a cut.

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