Naturalization, Citizenship Mom has dual citizenship US/Cdn -can I?

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I am a Canadian citizen: My mother was born in the US but resides in Canada (and has most of her life). She recently (during the mid 90's) obtained dual-citizenship. I would like to do the same.
While she was born in the States she only 'lived' there for just under a year before her parents moved to Canada. -She has frequently spent summers with American relatives (but again never for more than one year continuously).
A quick internet search yielded information on citizenship aquisition under section 301(g) INA and 301(c) INA -but none seem to apply to me as my mother has not resided in the US for a period of 1 year continuously.
I would like to obtain dual citizenship (with no plans to be a US resident at this time) and I'm unsure how difficult this will be. I'm hoping that my mother's status (dual Cdn/US citizenship) will make the process fairly easy.
Any comments/advice would be appreciated.
(if there is any other info. I could provide that would be relevant I'll be glad to post it)
Thank you,
Originally posted by fiver22
I am a Canadian citizen: My mother was born in the US but resides in Canada (and has most of her life). She recently (during the mid 90's) obtained dual-citizenship. I would like to do the same.
While she was born in the States she only 'lived' there for just under a year before her parents moved to Canada. -She has frequently spent summers with American relatives (but again never for more than one year continuously).
A quick internet search yielded information on citizenship aquisition under section 301(g) INA and 301(c) INA -but none seem to apply to me as my mother has not resided in the US for a period of 1 year continuously.
I would like to obtain dual citizenship (with no plans to be a US resident at this time) and I'm unsure how difficult this will be. I'm hoping that my mother's status (dual Cdn/US citizenship) will make the process fairly easy.
Any comments/advice would be appreciated.
(if there is any other info. I could provide that would be relevant I'll be glad to post it)
I've found a longer required period of time for your mother's residence than you have. Are you trying to obtain citizenship just by virtue of the fact that your mother obtained dual citizenship? If the rule states she must have resided here for a period certain then I am not sure there is another way to accomplish what you wish in a shorter time or easier manner.
Re: Re: Mom has dual citizenship US/Cdn -can I?

Originally posted by thelawprofessor
I've found a longer required period of time for your mother's residence than you have. Are you trying to obtain citizenship just by virtue of the fact that your mother obtained dual citizenship? If the rule states she must have resided here for a period certain then I am not sure there is another way to accomplish what you wish in a shorter time or easier manner.

That's what I thought...but not what I wanted to hear. -I was hoping that I was missing something ...that somehow Mom's dual-citizenship would allow me to have the same -but I guess that it's not that easy. So in your experience do I have even a foot in the door because of Mommy? -or does Mom's status have any benefit at all.
... ...
I would have thought that A: being born to a Dual Citizen and B: being Canadian, would have given me some sort of edge (not that I necessarily think that that's right).
This whole seeking Dual Citizenship might be silly, I guess. But part of me feels I owe it to my Mom (and her ancestors) and another part of me feels that I owe it to myself...blah: nothing worthwhile is easy.
Thanks very much for your reply,
assuming that you are over 18 there actually is no way to obtain citizenship this way. Your mother would have had to live longer in the States.
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