Moms ex will not leave our house, but the house is written in both their names.


New Member
My mom has a boyfriend who she's continuously trying break up with but he wont let it happen. He will not move out of the house no matter what my mom says, as he believes my mom and her 3 kids should move out instead. My mom doesn't have a job currently to be able to move anywhere else and she really doesn't want to leave the house. He is very verbally abusive and an intense alcoholic, and he has also been physically abusive before and my mom has images of bruises he has caused. Whats the best way for her to get him out of her life?
Her first and foremost concern should be removing herself and the kids from the boyfriend, even if that means moving out temporarily. As too many cases in this country have shown, someone who engages in this kind violence is likely to increase the level of harm, perhaps to the point of killing your mother and/or the kids.

They are both co-owners of the home so at the moment neither can keep the other out. She'd need a court order to accomplish that, but that takes time. There are legal aid clinics that can assist her with that once she and the kids are out of harm's way.

Ultimately she may need to sue for partition of the property to force a sale of it and then have the court divide up the proceeds. Then they can each go their separate ways, hopefully permanently.

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