Money Lent

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New Member
I lent $4500 to someone a year ago and wanted to know what I can do to recover the $ at this point. Here is all the information with my situation:

1. I unfortunately never specified a time in which he needed to pay me back
2. No verbal or written contract (thought it was "understood")
3. The other party moved away from the state since
4. I don't have any documents (emails, letters, text messages) to support my claim
This will be a tough case to prove in small claims court... Do you have at least a bank statement showing that you withdrew the money? How about any witnesses? Can you get this person to send you an email admitting that s/he owes you the money? You can take this person to court, but the burden of proof will fall on you to convince the magistrate that you lent the person you want to collect from the money. Good luck to you!
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