money order

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New Member
My tentants mother sent me a postal money order from out state for their rent last year. i was in the middle of moving and lost it so she sent another one. i recently found it and bc they have not paid rent in three months i cashed it for a month of their rent. Is there anything illegal about that on my part??
My tentants mother sent me a postal money order from out state for their rent last year. i was in the middle of moving and lost it so she sent another one. i recently found it and bc they have not paid rent in three months i cashed it for a month of their rent. Is there anything illegal about that on my part??

If you cashed a money order that was reported stolen, YES, that could cause you problems.

If you deposited it in yoru bank, it'll likely be charged back to you.
The bank might try and send it through again, another charge back.

The postal authorities might get involved because it was reported stolen.
If that happens, you can tell them it was cashed by mistake.

Anyway, too late to do anything.
The FIT will soon hit the SHAN!
Also. if you started an eviction proceeding counting that as unpaid, it can cause your case to get kicked and the process to restart from scratch.
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