Mothers rights

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What are a mothers custody rights against a father that is a convicted sex offender? We have shared custody, but I have primary placement. The sex offense was against a minor. Do I have the legal right to withhold visitation & if not how would i go about fighting visitation?
What are a mothers custody rights against a father that is a convicted sex offender? We have shared custody, but I have primary placement. The sex offense was against a minor. Do I have the legal right to withhold visitation & if not how would i go about fighting visitation?

A father's rights are equal to a mother's rights.

Both parties are required to OBEY the court order.

If you disobey the court order, you could end up losing custody.

As far as what dad did to a child (not his own), it rarely matters.

If you want the order changed, you have to haul dad back to court and make your case before a judge.

It isn't easy, as the standard for parenting is lower than the standard for obtaining a fishing license.
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Dad was 36 & the girl was 13. It happened after we broke up & in a different state. He was in the military at the time & they have a point system they go by to determine the severity of the charge. He pretty much walked away with a slap on the hand. His charge was Karnal Knowledge. He does have to register on the national sex offender registery.
I'm not trying to be mean to the father, I am just worried about possible harm to my children. My daughter is now 13 & that was the age of the girl in the offense. I'm just a worried mom & thank you everyone for all the advice. It is greatly appreciated.
If you feel Dad poses a danger to his child then seek modification of visitation order where dad gets supervised visits only
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