Parole, Probation Motion for Early Probation Termination

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New Member
My jurisdiction is: Santa Barbara, CA

I was convicted of felony embezzlement(grand theft), but had it reduced to a misdemeanor. I served 54 days of house arrest and put on probation for 3 years. I have served 14 months of this probation, paid all fees and restitution, and am currently on unsupervised probation. This is my current situation, and I am looking to terminate the remainder of my probation to join the military.

The first step according to the court clerk, was filing a motion of early probation termination. How do I exactly file this motion? I don't have much legal knowledge/experience and I am aware hiring a lawyer would make this exponentially easier, but I am lacking in funds and would rather do this with no representation if possible.

What goes into filing this type of motion? How do I do it without a lawyers help? Any help will be much appreciated.

Other facts:
Currently 22
No job/Not in school at the moment
HS graduate/3 years of college
No form of income
Convicted of public intoxication before this happened (infraction/1 year license suspension)
. . .

I know people that after paying all fines/costs had their probation reduced through their probation officer/Judge. No lawyer involved, and no real extra-work/ studying/research involved.

Do you have a good relationsihp with your PO? Perhaps call them, tell them you want to join the military, and ask for their help, and if they can't help, if they can suggest someone else in the court-room. Maybe they have a good relationship with the Judge, and can communicate to them why it would be a good idea for Society if you were released from probation early. Maybe they'd want some proof of what you'll be doing, I don't know.

GOOD LUCK! AND I hope you get your wish soon!
Motion for Early Termination needs to be filed with the Clerk. The Motion then will be put on the docket and then heard by the court. If at your plea the Judge ordered Early Termination @ 1/2, then a good possibility it will be granted.

When you are before the judge, state the reason you want to Early Terminate. Don"t be surprised if the Judge ask you for proof of your reason.
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