Other Criminal Procedure Motion in General/ District court


New Member
Hello, to the intelligent attorney's that decided togoto school forever and hopefully;some help to me,:

A brief question regarding motions in general:

I have filed a motion, 2 months ago,I have been back to the district court in question 2 times since then, nothing has been mentioned, whatsoever.I have been dealing with a Plaintiff,initially the defendantin a small claims 2015, WE THE Plaintiffs,initially, are now the defendants in an effort of retaliation. harassment ????,Right,no validity,no adequate factual nothing was submitted, no police reports,calls, reprimands only this lady's ,anger and a friend in the clerks office.Actually, the best friend of this person,is the clerk,well needless to say, things have not been according to protocol. This motion has been just swept under the rug,shall I address the appellate court where my appeal is now seeing that the lower court failedtodo anything with this motion? I would say that is error!

To add, I have uploaded the affidavitt used for the acquisition of said 258E harassment prevention/ retaliation order.It is bogus,does not even have my name on it, only my husband and she did not disclose astowhy we contacted her. She had our 1,200.00 for avehicle that did not pass inspectt. This happened in July 2015, she filed harassment in Feb 2016 after she lost judgement. It was not rude or intentofcausing fear. She did not say why,"constitutionally protected speech" OBrien v Borowski 2014) seney v. morhy, etc.....

This affidavitt is not signedby any court personnel, stamped or filed???


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Do you know of any? I need for2 more visits maybe, trial date 8/31 in Massachusetts.
The 2 I haves poken with,wanted nothing to do with the small-town corruption favor doing Judge but he retired and left a mess, the judge now,he is awesome,he actually reads

the file, he had to, I am on theGPS bracelet, I motioned the Hon.JudgeSargent today for allowance for our family, yearly vacation, the PLaintiffs, objected and the DA speaking for them;
had expressed their dictationofmylife,even though I amstill innocent andIactuallywill beat this becauseI have not harassed anyone, hence, no evidence.

I have been doing my homework,this lady iswhat iscalled a"vexatiouslitigant" shehas been sued 5 times from 1998 to our suit in 2015, lost all 5

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