Motion of discovery?

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New Member
Sorry if this sounds petty to someone or posted in the wrong location.

I recently received a traffic ticket and where I live it is impossible to beat these, the police are the law where I live. Where I am located you are guilty until proven inoccent in traffic court. I was pulled over for crossing a double white line which I did not do and the car in front of me did. The police officer told me that he has everything on video in the unit. I went to the station to request a copy of the tape and the sgt. flat out told me that he would not release it nor would he let me see the report the officer filed.

I went to the DA's office and asked them there if some how they would help me in the matter. They refused me as well.

I was wondering if a motion of discovery would make the state divulge the reports and the tape to me before my hearing or if I am stuck with the police officers word against mine?!??

Again I apologize for the lengthy thread and if it is posted in the wrong spot
Sounds like we are from the same place. :) Yes, a motion of discovery will help you. With a motion of discovery, the prossecution has to show to you or your attorney everything that they tend to produce in court against you. If they er in that situation you may have grounds for dismissal. It is not necessary for you to have an attorney to file these motions as long as you have someone who knows what they are doing and the proper places to have the forms notirized.
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