Motorcycle towed from my apartment complex.

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New Member
My motorcycle (which is in good condition and I'm still making payments to my bank for the vehicle) was towed while parked in a non-designated parking spot of the lot at the apartment complex of which I am a tenant. I brought the bike to the apartment complex a little over a month ago and parked it in a place that was legal to do so in accordance with my tenant contract with the apartment complex. However, at the time I had not read the fine print that stated any car parked in a non-designated space is subject to towing if left unmoved for more than 48 hours. My motorcycle was in the same spot for more than thirty days. I was checking on it once a week. When I parked it in the space I left it covered and had intended not to ride it during these colder months and had let my motorcycle insurance expire because I did not intend to ride it. The apartment complex management clams to have placed a 48hour notice for tow on the bike but I did not see it because it was between times when I checked on my motorcycle. The management made no other attempt to find out if the motorcycle belonged to one of their tenants. He, at his own admission to me, said his maintenance staff assumed it was an abandoned vehicle and tagged it for tow. Now the tow company has my motorcycle and is asking $1,500.00 to retrieve the vehicle. I can not afford this. Also, the tow company management has a private phone line and can not be reached unless they call me. So far i have been able to communicate with the tow company management via my apartment manager only. I received one call from the tow company management but he did not give me any information and said he would call back latter. I looked the tow company up on the BBB better business bureau web site and found out that, according to the Oregon Secretary of State, this tow company's business registration expired as of April 29, 2011. They also have 33 complaints against them. I'm thinking of going to the police. What can I do?
Anyone can discuss concerns with the police. They are available 24/7. Call them (not on 911), or go in and discuss this with a detective.

You can also speak to your elected city officials.
As you describe it, the tow of the vehicle was legitimate and you will be on the hook to pay for the tow and storage fees. The $1500 sounds pretty absurd unless the vehicle has been stored for a long time. How long ago was it towed? It sounds like they are trying to charge you for a 30 day impound, but your vehicle was not impounded, only stored- there is a difference.
You need the company to itemize their fees and justify the storage fees being charged.
When the vehicle was towed it should have been reported to law enforcement. This is standard in case it is reported as stolen. the police will have the company information as well as contact information.
The police might not help you with recovering the vehicle and dismiss this as a problem for civil court.
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