Move Out Laws / PLEASE HELP!

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New Member
I am currently on a 10 month lease at my apartment.
My lease is up March 15th, 2009.
I gave notice to vacate on February 3rd, 2009.
Bad on my part, but I didnt read the part on the lease it states I have to give a 60 day notice.
They told me that because I didnt give a 60 day notice they are going to make me pay from March 15th to April 4th even though I wont be living there.
I thought that California law states that I only have to give a 30 day notice?
Am I out of luck because it states that I have to give 60 days notice on my rental agreement?
Also, when I spoke with them they told me that they gave me a notice that my lease was up a month ago. They said they mailed and taped it to my door on January 7th. I never received any documents...
So my question is: If California Law states that you only have to give a 30 day notice, does it matter that the lease says I have to give a 60 day notice?
Am I screwed because it is on the contract?
I am so stressed out because of this. I am moving into a new apartment complex on March 15th. PLEASE HELP ME!!!!

I spoke with an attorney and they told me that because its California Law to only give 30 days notice it isnt binding because they were breaking the law by making the tenants give 60 days notice... I am so confused. Why would I have to pay past my lease if it is up on March 15th. That doesnt make any since to me.
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