I just moved in an apartment less then a week ago. During my stay so far someone has just walked into my apartment "on accident". The tenant above me has two huge Pitt bulls (which are not allowed or authorized) (known by the apartment complex but they asked for me to take video for proof so they can act on it.) And my boyfriends truck was broken into last night. Is there anything I can do to get out of this lease? I don't feel safe. I honestly feel like it might be the tenant above me or his friends that broke in. I don't feel safe at all.HELP!
Your friend's truck being burglarized means nothing.
He's not on the lease.
Even if your truck was burglarized, it too, means nothing.
The intruder should have been reported to "911", too late for that now.
The pit bulls, means nothing to you.
That's the landlord's worry, but he doesn't care.
There are four ways to get out of the lease, LEGALLY.
I don't think you'll like three, you might like one.
You can die. Bet that doesn't appeal to you.
You can stop paying rent, eventually the landlord will evict you.
You can wait until the lease nears expiration and give notice to the landlord that you won't renew.
Finally, this one is the least troublesome.
Talk to your landlord and ask how much he'll charge you to allow you to break your lease.
Usually it's two or three months rent, give or take.
However, that's the safest legal way to get out of the 'hood.
The fact that crime is all around you, means nothing.
You're stuck with the lease, unless you start using your noggin and buy your way out for your safety.