Moved out due to landlord not fixing problems

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I signed a lease, but moved after 4 months. The landlord said she would fix several things and only fixed one. She was to fix the toilet and didnt and it caused me a high water bill. She was suppose to fix the paint that was peeling frm ceiling from the bathroom not having any ventilation. There was a problem with the plumbing in both the kitchen and bathroom area, the kitchen was a small leak that caused MOLD and made my son sick, he was diagnosed with asthma and allergies about 4 years ago. He had gotten very ill while living in the home, the landlord was notified about the problem. My son was diagnosed with the flu, a virus and bronchitis, also a upper respiratory infection. He had severe stomache pain I had to carry him to my car and into the ER, because he was so ill he could not stand up. I asked my landlord for my deposite back, she said no that I owed her 400.00 for not giving a 30 days notice, I told her that I had 3 different doctors me that i needed to move so As soon as i found something i let her know and I gave a 10 day notice of removal. But she wanted to keep my deposite and also me pay her 400.00 for the rent she was missing out on. When I moved the house was spotless, I shampooed carpets fixed nail holes and replaced all blowed light bulbs. It was in perfect condition when it wasnt when i moved in. But I told her i was taking her to small claims court, well she beet me to it only because she works in the same building. So I filed a counter claim against her asking for my deposite and four months rent back. Do you think I have a case, she was notified a month and half before I had moved about the MOlD problem. She also had the four months to fix the other problems and did not do it. Thanks Sodapop
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