Moving and In possession of former roommates things what do i do?


New Member
Hi. Over a year ago a friend of my husband moved in with us because he was getting divorced. He moved all of his things in to our spare room. During this time he was in a 6 month unpaid internship so we agreed that while he was in the internship he would not have to pay us money for rent on the room, but once he finished with it he would start to pay us rent and back rent. He dropped out of the internship and stayed in his room for about a month. We told him he needed to get a job to start paying us back. After we told him this he got a girlfriend and moved in with her but he left all of this belongings in our spare room. After 4 months of him not being here, we told him he needed to get his stuff out. He didn't get it out. A few months after this, We found out that we have to relocate due to my husbands job. We told him 3 months ago that we would be moving by X date and he needed to have his stuff out. He still won't come get his stuff. What am i suppose to do with it? Do i have to take it with me when we move? We have been telling him to get his stuff out for 7 months at this point.
It's worth knowing that he has not paid us any money. I know that landlord can, if the circumstances are right, sell the property after a certain time to help repay money due. As we are not landlords does this apply? At what point does his property become abandoned property? I want to cover all of my bases.
Give him a date in writing when the items must be picked up and if not, trash them. You could also box it up and drop it off at his new residence.

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