Moving out before turning 18

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Some background information: My mother and I have a terrible relationship, unless we are away from each other. My step father is an alcoholic, and is verbally abusive towards me. There has been instances when he has gotten physical (ie, throwing things). I have dropped out of high school so that I get get my GED, because the educational system here isn't taking me anywhere.

I've been told by several people that in the state of Georgia, it is legal to move out when you are 17, without parental consent. I also read online, "a 17-year-old can now go to prison in Georgia. This created a conflict; a child may now leave home at 17, and they cannot be forced to return, but they cannot be kicked out or rejected the option to come home until they are 18." I want to move in with a family friend in Wyoming and get back into high school. This is also where I would like to go to college. Is it legal for me to move out at 17?

If not, is it legal for me to leave once I get my GED? If I want to go to school out of state, does my mother have the right to keep me from doing so?

Please help!! I would like this cleared up so that I can start planning my life away from home if possible.

If not, is there a possibility that counseling could be court-ordered?
Age 18 is the age of majority in the USA.

When a person becomes 18, they are considered an adult.

You can legally vacate your current home and escape the evil, tyrannical reign of your parents at age 18.

To do so prior to obtaining the age of majority, one risks legal problems.

You'll be 18 in no time flat. In the interim, chill, adulthood isn't all that teenagers believe it to be!!!!
I realize all of this. Thanks.

I've been reading a lot of the other posts on the forum, though, and a lot of posts mention PINS petitions... What are they?
People In Need of Supervision. Essentially you become owned by the state.

Trust me, you do NOT want to go that route if there are any other options. It's less than a year. You've made it this far; you can make it till your 18th birthday.
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