moving to a different state with my child

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New Member
My husband and 2 year old live in ohio where he has gotten us an apartment and he has a job and I have one there waiting for me. My 4 year old is from a previous relationship and her father has not been a part of her life till about 5 months ago. He is court ordered to pay 92 $ a week but have not seen payment since Nov 2012 which I reported when I recertified for my foodstamp benifits. I am suppose to be leaving on the 30th of this month. If I leave can I get introuble.
Technically you can leave whenever you want - but Dad is absolutely able to file an emergency petition to restrain you from relocating with the child. Seriously - you're leaving on the 30th and you haven't gone through the courts to get permission?

If Dad has - even only in the past 5 months - decided he wants to be part of his child's life, he can make your life very, very difficult. If nothing else, you'll have to go back and forth to NY to deal with custody.

His lack of child support payments doesn't change anything.
Have not been to court because there has not been a reason to and not to mention he was fine with me moving untill today
He was fine with you moving until today - that's why these things should always go through the court system.
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