Shoplifting, Larceny, Robbery, Theft Mr


New Member
In the course of 4 Months I took around $500 worth of merchandise from the place I work at. LP talked to me and I was cooperative when answering questions they asked me. I signed papers stating what I did. Im18 years old so I really dont know whats going to happen. I agree to pay the money back because it seemed like the least thing to do. But im paranoid that I might get arrested or the will press charges. My store managers love me and I'm well know around my store from my coworkers and customers. I just want to know what will happen.
In the course of 4 Months I took around $500 worth of merchandise from the place I work at. LP talked to me and I was cooperative when answering questions they asked me. I signed papers stating what I did. Im18 years old so I really dont know whats going to happen. I agree to pay the money back because it seemed like the least thing to do. But im paranoid that I might get arrested or the will press charges. My store managers love me and I'm well know around my store from my coworkers and customers. I just want to know what will happen.

I'm fairly sure you won't have a job there much longer unless you have a very nice boss.

What did the papers say?
In the course of 4 Months I took around $500 worth of merchandise from the place I work at. LP talked to me and I was cooperative when answering questions they asked me. I signed papers stating what I did. Im18 years old so I really dont know whats going to happen. I agree to pay the money back because it seemed like the least thing to do. But im paranoid that I might get arrested or the will press charges. My store managers love me and I'm well know around my store from my coworkers and customers. I just want to know what will happen.

Admitting to something may work with mom and dad, but only serves to seal your fatein the real world.

That said, stealing is never a good idea.
Stealing is theft.
Theft is a crime.
Crimes tend to get people arrested.
Most arrests end up consequences.
Sometimes you end up in jail or prison.
A criminal conviction can destroy your life.

You've fouled things up badly.
First of all, you stole.
Second of all, you stole from an employer.
Someone once said, "Don't defecate where you eat."

No one knows what will happen to you.
You'll probably be fired.
If you repay your "soon to be" former employer, I doubt they'll want to have you arrested.
You can assume your name is already in some database of "thieves".
If it is, you'll probably never get hired in retail, or where you handle money again.
You can learn from this, and avoid future run ins with anyone for illicit acts.

If the police do come calling, this video will help you decide what to do and say:
Good luck.
I am a Retail Theft Consultant and answer questions like yours daily. No one can say what will happen we cant predict future. Your signed confession works against you. Answer no more questions from them or Police on this matter. Any offer they give you get in writing
There is no way we can know what your employer might do. Most employers most likely would terminate you. If you are arrested, get a lawyer & speak only to the lawyer.

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