Multiple tenant lease

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New Member
I recently just moved to Kansas and met a girl at my work. We decided on moving in together with her previous roommate as well. The three of us signed one lease. I've been living here for 3 months and I've discovered that I cannot live with them. I want out of this lease. My question is about having three tenants on one lease. I'm wondering if the only way to get out of my portion of the lease is to find a subleaser? Or is there another way that I can get out?
Read what the lease might state regarding breaking it. Typically in a roommate situation you would need to find someone to replace you and all involved (the landlord, the other tenants) would need to agree (in writing) to this change.

Many room mate situations end with disastrous consequences and financial burdens.

The bad situation usually gets worse when a subletting tenant is injected into the equation.


Because the sublet (replacement) usually bails and you get stiffed again.

The lesson here is if 50% of marriages fail, at least 50% of room mate situations fail, too!

The answer?

Rent an apartment on your own dime. If it takes two, three jobs to afford that; just do it!

If you can't afford your own apartment, maybe you oughta move back in with mom and dad. If they'll have you.
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