Consumer Law, Warranties Musician Band Agreement

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New Member
I'm wondering what type of band agreement would make the most sense for my situation. I've been working on building this music project on my own for the last 3 years. I came up with the concept, wrote all the instrumentation for 10 songs (no vocals), built a rehearsal/practice studio, came up with a name, and built a web site.

The vocalist I work with will be writing all their own parts, but the other musicians (bass, guitar) will be learning the songs that already exist, and possibly do some type of collaboration.

I had a band agreement drawn up that says that I am the sole proprietor (meaning I own the project, and can make decisions), and other members get paid an equal share for all gigs played, and all compositions they contribute. The problem is I've had 2 musicians now that didn't want to sign it because they feel they should own an equal part of the band. That doesn't make sense to me since they are walking into a project where I have already done all the initial work, not to mention I'm providing the rehearsal space. Is this agreement really unfair? If so, how should it be structured?

This is the most difficult part of being in a band, without a doubt. What is the result of conversation you have had with them? I am guessing you must have told them the same thing - how did they respond?

Many a band has broken up because of business issues, ego, not enough time in the spotlight, solos, etc. Sometimes they can also not be as reasonable, especially when they are contributing something to the project. I can understand their hesitations as well, especially if the band becomes successful with their songs on the next album and they have no say. Do they really want an equal share of everything current and future? How have they responded with regard to the entire investment you've put in? What have they suggested to be your compensation for the work and risk? Much of the ability to negotiate is based upon how reasonable the other party is and you may first wish to gauge where it is.
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