Must I inherit?

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My mother is getty very up in years. She has no will and will not have one done. I am her only living child. I had a brother who passed away with his wife in an auto accident, leaving 3 children.

She lives in a house that is livable, although it is falling apart rapidly. Her garage is filled with years of accumulated junk, as is the rest of her house and basement. And, we are not on speaking terms at all. After careful thought, I decided that I do not want to receive anything from her estate. I do not want to deal with cleaning up the house, the yard, her junk, etc. It sounds selfish, but for my mental health, I want nothing to do with it any longer.

My question: If she dies intestate, am I forced to take what the state of Missouri says will pass to me under the law of intestate? In other words, can I refuse to inherit my share?

I am serious. It has been a bad situation that has gotten worse in the last year to the point I am seeking therapy. I don't want any of her junk! Please answer my question without comment or advice on fixing the situtation or relationship. Its been tried.
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