Must my landlord enforce carpet requirement?

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New Member
My upstairs neighbors refuse to put in carpets, as required by their lease. I've complained to the property managers, but they won't enforce the carpet requirement until I've got building security to confirm three instances of 'excessive noise.' Is it true that management doesn't have to enforce the lease until then? My problems with this are: (1) unless security sits in my apartment all evening they won't hear the frequent but sporadic dropping of objects, slamming of toilet seats, etc.; (2) this noise isn't 'excessive' as a loud party would be, for example, but someone dropping what sounds like keys right over my head late at night does ruin my sleep.

Any advice?

You have a lease that requires the tenants provide their units with carpets?

How would having a carpet help with the dropping of a toilet seat?

Yes, the least requires that the 'majority' of the floors be covered with carpets.

I'm hoping sufficient carpeting would muffle sounds in general - it can't make the toilet seat slamming worse!
You cannot "force" your landlord to enforce the carpet requirement.

Your best bet is to do what they suggested; present them with documentation regarding excessive noise that occurs without the use of a carpet to muffle this.

This will provide them with more documentation to have the upstairs tenants carpet their living space.

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