Shoplifting, Larceny, Robbery, Theft My 16 year old brother was accused of shoplifting

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My 16 year old brother was caught on camer at Store name in Florida. He was asked to go to the back room where he gave up the watch he stole. He then ran out of the store before the police got there. Then today the police showed up to our house asking questions. The officer said he will be coming back to serve my brother with a court date for retail theft and resisting a merchant. Since he has never even talked to the police or admitted to them that he did the crime, can he jus avoid the police and not be charged. The police are saying that it was him based on what his friends told them his name was. I will not let the police even talk to my brother. Can he get out of this by avoiding the police and how long would it be.
Yes. However, I was wondering if their was a time frame the police had to talk to my brother and serve him with this court date before they can do nothing about it?
They have until the statute of limitations runs out to file charges. There is no limit if charged and he evades Police. In fact it will likely add further charges
However. He has not been charged or even spoken to the police. These are just aligations made by someone who says that the person on video is him. He has no knowledge of what is going on. The officer needs to do the paperwork which will be what charges him with the crime and he will be given a court date. However this will not be occuring. So unless he can see and speak with my brother, the officer cannot confirm that this person on the video is him and file charges.
Also, I believe that it is only up to 30 or 60 days in which the states attorney can file charges. There is no usable proof that this person on the video is my brother.
If your brother wants to play this game he is going to lose. He will avoid the police, they'll swear out a warrent then pick him up at school or at home and he can sit in a jail cell.

He screwed up, he made an adult decision, time to face the adult punishment. And tell him the "Thats not me on video" thing will only make him look like more of an idiot.

Tell him to man up.
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