My Attorney's Negligence cost me?

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I had a pending child support case, its been going on for over 5 years. We finally go to trial, and me attorney did not file a response to the (agree and disagree) response form, So he had to dismiss our case, and the defendant had ask the judge for legal fees, and i get a 4k judgment against me, What should I do? my attorney cost me time, a judgment and my case? any ideas> please advise, I am in need of help, I am in Texas. thanks so much for any help and what I can do,
Hire a legal malpractice attorney.
Do you see the problem?

and what he did was wrong? did not file the paper work, cost me 4K in legal fees, Is it possible to get out of a judgment, and can I make him (my attorney) pay this judgment? it was all his fault, and we never even went to Trial. I feel sick, that I got this kind of service.
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