my aunt is squatting in my home

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hi my name is anthony heard, and i ask that you plase have patience with my story as its a little long,but i think worth the read. i t has caused me great heartache, and even now sharing it for advice kinda hurts.

when i was a child my gran told me that she was going to leave me a house, as i had no one to care for me ( mom was not ready for children lets say).

One day she took me to see a guy named gus savage here in chicago, i think his brother was howard savage. anyway....she was filling out her will, the lawyer advised her then, and i remeber it as clear as my first girlfriends kiss, he said u cannot leave the house to a minor, without a guardian, as my mom wud be able to still get a hold of the house, or something like that ( my mom an granny didn't get along as my mom allowed her bfriends to hit me , etc, etc), she then placed my uncles name on the house with mine....i mightve been 6-7yrs old when this happened.

When my gran died, my uncle and aunt became my legal guardians, keep in mind I looked at them like they were my parents, as I had no one, I was about 14-15 at this time.
I later joined the usaf, and I learned about the power of attorney doc, in tehmilitary we had to create one so that if something happened to us, our amilies cud take care of us……… when I came hoe on leave once, my uncle was like hey sign this power of attorney, I didn't question it( my first error), as I thought it must be related somehow…I was 18 and not bright.

Later when I got out of the military and was working for my uncle in his video store( he asked me to come assist him as my aunt was runnin it at the time, and he was living in Atlanta…keep in mind I was in the usaf doing satellite communications and IT circa 92-93 just as internet is jumping off.

I found out he was in tax trouble, at that time he told me the house had my name on it ,and was willed to me, the purpose of the power of attorney as I learned was because he was refinancing the house and iw as over 18, so no more legal guardian..

I also was advised to go check will, an found out my gan had left me everything , and the house like my memory was added, with his name the only item shared……something I noted to help reinforme the memory, as I found it be a strange place to be the situation and all. I do a lot of community work so the situation kinda unnerves me.

So he and my aunt divorced…..she was payng the bills on the house until about 94-95.
My uncle quick deeded the house to me so I cud refi and get him so lawyer /tax money to get him out of trouble

I never placed his name back on house
And I continued to pay mortgage from that date until around late 2001, granted I had another house, and apartment elsewhere but I continued to pay the mortgage, my aunt and little cousins stayed there , and as the only family I had I told her go ahead stay imgogin to go live life…( very immature as I didn't understand what it was to have property or the depth of the situation).

I get divorcd and loose my gig on west coast an dmove back, I start school again and repick up mortgage again around 2002-2003. I wud say giving her the benefit of the doubt that she has paid approximately 2.5 yrs….thats being generous………

Granted most of the time I gave her cash never thinking I needed receipts, as I always looked at he recipet as a guarantee against a crook or proof.

So as of recent as I have mentioned I am continuing to pay the rent, and now there are family issues, that are beyond the scope of this but needless to say I have told her I want her to leave, unfortunately when times were good ( I do technology contract work as well) I told her I wud try to give her about 20-25 to get her life going, since she has not saved or anything ( and believes that if I had honor I wud give her something).

So in the last two or three months, we have argued, and I have told her that in reality I owe her nothing….she has never paid rent, and that I cud easily simply say the money she has paid was rent, and thanx a lot……she agrees and falls back on the honor thing, but once mentioned squatters rights….saying she has been living here for 23 yrs
My point is I was born here and im 38.

She pays some of the utilities, yet its upon choice, have told her to keep her money and leave, instead I hear ill pay bills while this and that, just to find a 677 water bill and disconnection notice when I come home.

I really don't want to conintue to rip my family apart and I really really don't want to take it to a judge…..and I cant afford a lawyer or arbitration etc,

I just don't know what to do
And at this point, im like is life supposed to be like this….
In many ways the only reason I just haven't kicked her out is her daughterswhich are like daughters to me, theyre in college, and doing that doesn't go with the family values my gran instilled in me………….oh I forgot to mentioned 4yrs aog her friend was getting evicted, and asked if she cud move in with us for a few weeks, the few weeks turned into several years….she only left after I put her stuff out into a tent into my backyard, and I don't wanna do that here…pls help if u can
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