my boss asked me for my prescription drug medication

prisoner 42601

New Member
I went to the dentist and they prescribed prescription pain meds for me. My assistant manager went to the dentist and came to me and said she couldn't make it till pay day and asked me for my pills. I didn't fill the prescription because I have a heart condition and can't take those meds. I told her to check a website and fill her own prescription where she could get a discount. Then later, I heard she went to our assistant manager and sold him prescription pills because she couldn't "make it till payday" and then she got HIM fired for a drug problem. I started to be afraid she had been trying to set me up and another assistant manager had told me she has a bad drug problem. A cashier told me that she had been told that this manager sells drugs. Then I became aware of a lot of prescription drug trading going on in this place of business. The one manager had told me that the assistant manager had thrown himself under the bus to save a lot of people in the store the one who got fired. So I told my main manager, and rather than call me in and talk to me about it, he called me in to a room where she was...and she told me I was crazy and everybody knew it, I was a LIAR...she made up a completely bogus story about she having offered ME pills when I went to the dentist etc etc, she also in the course of the conversation called me a bitch. At the end I was crying, my manager just stood there and let her yell at me. And she basically backed me into the door and told me that I could keep my job but never say a word to anyone about this meeting. Well I told two people in confidence, and it was a mistake I guess. Yesterday I was told that multiple people knew what had happened and she again called me crazy and a liar and tried to flip everything on me. I told her I took that the last time but not this time. The bottom line is that I have been basically ordered to not speak to any other employees anymore, I feel about anything...I don't feel like I can even talk, if I want to keep my job. I heard another manager yesterday calling me a straight out cop. I guess that means snitch. I'm kinda scared, what can I legally DO?
Florida provides very interesting news, that's for sure.
Do not give or sell pills to anyone, nor buy them or accept them from others. Stop gossiping. While you can discuss working conditions with coworkers for the purpose of mutual protection and aid, general gossip about who may or may not be taking medications is not protected. Nor is generalized complaining about coworkers.

I would strongly suggest looking elsewhere for employment.
I don't give or sell pills to anyone. According to the "gossipy types", about 95 percent of the people in the store are trading drugs, along with the restaurant attached to the store. ME, I'm innocent. So why should I look for work elsewhere? This is florida....3 of my last 4 managers have been addicted to something. I didn't tell this story around the store. One of the "managers" did. LOL. I would strongly suggest that since I'm 58 without a car, and this store is at the next exit, I'm going to stick it out. If they wanna keep throwing the insults my way...I'm old enough to take it. I just want my paycheck, or I wouldn't be sticking around to be called a bitch and such, working all night only to be forced to work 16 hr shifts the next day. The ONLY thing I complained about was my own personal encounter with that assistant manager. They can all bomb out all day in my opinion. I have people walk up to me and tell me these things. Sigh. There's no place for the innocent in the workplace in Florida. That doesn't mean I'm quitting. I just thought it was against the law to ask for medication of someone else, and maybe I could legally not be harassed that way. Who answers these questions?
So why should I look for work elsewhere?


Because if you're a "goody two shoes" in their minds, you're their enemy.
You said they're referring to you as a "narc", a "snitch" a "rat".
That often means they'll set you up, or find a way to get you gone.
If you stay, watch your back.

Because they are obviously going to support the pill pushers and you seem to be outnumbered. It's never going to be a comfortable environment for you.
You are welcome to decide that the benefits outweigh the costs. If you want to work in this kind of environment, you are free to do so.
I don't give or sell pills to anyone. According to the "gossipy types", about 95 percent of the people in the store are trading drugs, along with the restaurant attached to the store. ME, I'm innocent. So why should I look for work elsewhere? This is florida....3 of my last 4 managers have been addicted to something. I didn't tell this story around the store. One of the "managers" did. LOL. I would strongly suggest that since I'm 58 without a car, and this store is at the next exit, I'm going to stick it out. If they wanna keep throwing the insults my way...I'm old enough to take it. I just want my paycheck, or I wouldn't be sticking around to be called a bitch and such, working all night only to be forced to work 16 hr shifts the next day. The ONLY thing I complained about was my own personal encounter with that assistant manager. They can all bomb out all day in my opinion. I have people walk up to me and tell me these things. Sigh. There's no place for the innocent in the workplace in Florida. That doesn't mean I'm quitting. I just thought it was against the law to ask for medication of someone else, and maybe I could legally not be harassed that way. Who answers these questions?
Look for work elsewhere because someday that place is going to be busted. Do you want to get caught up in all that? I wouldn't want to work at a place that was a cesspool of illegal drug trading/selling.

It is illegal to use someone else's prescription meds and to sell them.

If you don't like the answers you get then don't ask the questions on a public forum. Legally you can't stop them. Maybe you could anonymously tip off the cops. But that won't go far likely.

Hey stay at that job and be there if the cops bust down the doors one day and be wrangled up with the rest of them. It's your life.

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