My boss got me pregnant, will I loose my job?

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I started my new job as an assistant to Finance, wih HR duties included. During my first week I felt that he was putting a lot of pressure on me to go out with him. I was going through a seperation, and he tried everything from cosigning on a vehicle for me to giving me a TV. I have now found out I am pregnant and am going to have an abortion. But it just doesn't seem fair that he gets off like this. He is a married man and has a secure financial career. I don't want to be nasty, but do I have any options here?


What kind of options are you looking for? You wish to be paid off because he got your pregnant?

You can, if you wish, not terminate the pregnancy and after paternity has been established, your boss would be financially responsible for the care of his child.
I'm with Gail, what options are you looking for? I'm assuming you had sex with your full consent, I don't see any reason why he would need to pay you for having an abortion? Not to mention, he may be able to pull something out of his hat, such as claiming the affair never happened and it's not even his baby, then you'd have to prove it. Just ask him to pay for half of the abortion if that's what you're looking for.
Hey what about compensation for sexual harassment?
After all he is her boss.

Just like Christy Brinkley's ex husband got sued for sleeping with his teen personal assistant.
Why do you think you will lose your job? Has he threatened to fire you?
You know, you can ask him to stop making advances on you. If the advances are unwanted, even if they were accepted at one time, it is sexual harassment.

As for the baby, are you reconcilling with your spouse or something? Are you worried that your spouse will find out?

Regardless, you cannot use the pregnancy to blackmail your boss. If you abort, you have no proof that it was ever his child. Best case, you could get him to pay for the abortion, but if you are trying to make sure his wife finds out, the best proof of his affair would be the child.

It all sounds like a bad situation to me...

I'm not a professional ~ just offering my opinion.
Sexual harassment is a matter of how you personally feel about the advances. If he put you in a position where you felt your job was at risk if you didn't have sex with him that is sexual harassment, regardless if it was consensual at the time. That is a quid pro quo.
I am not a lawyer, but it sounds to me like you have a case for sexual harassment. If you file such a case and he fires you, that is grounds for a retaliation case. Either way, this is most definitely a bad situation.
I feel like I need to stress something else. Even though this situation has resulted in you becoming pregnant, DO NOT blame yourself entirely. If this dirtball had been professional in the workplace as he should have been, this never would have happened. If you told him the advances were unwanted, you are the victim here. Just remember, he is the dirtball and should certainly not get away with cheating on his wife.
Just my opinion.

Additionally, I didn't realize this thread was so old until after I posted... I guess at this point the woman would be about 5 or 6 months pregnant unless she terminated.
Hope it turned out well.
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