My boss verbally abuses me

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I need some help. My boss constantly verbally abuses me and others in my office. He was making some obnoxious comments to the other girl in the office recently and I asked him to please stop and he told me to shut up. He belittles you and is very intimidating. He can ask you a direct question, you answer yes or no and his reply is "yeah right, sure". The snag here is that there is no one to report this to. He is the president/owner of the company. What can I do? I can't afford to quit and hope I find something else. I live paycheck to paycheck and can't take the chance. This abuse is affecting my work, my relationship with my husband, my sanity. What are my options at this point?
You can either put up with it or quit and find another job.
Your option is basically to quit and find anotehr job. There is no law requiring your boss me nice to you. What he is doing is rude and unprofessional but there is no law against it.

Or you can take it up the chain of command and complain to his boss, and you might lose your job then, but doesnt seem like this job is worth it.
The problem is he is the boss. President/owner. I know there is no law that he has to be nice to me but isn't what he's doing considered harassment...let me ask this...he has this thing about rubbing his feet on the carpet and trying to touch you to shock you...he started that the other day and I asked him not to touch me and he still did...couldn't that be considered harassment.
Not sure what you want out of him but harassment is not against the law unless its protected by the EEOC. I believe a company has to be at least 50 employees large to even have a claim. You might as well tell boss guy to take the job and shove it.
It's 15 employees for an EEOC complaint. But they are only concerned with harassment that is based on race, religion, national origin, gender, disability, pregnancy, veteran's status or being over 40. A boss who is childish enough to get his thrills from creating static electricity IS NOT going to get their attention. That is not illegal harassment.
Thanks, cbg.

So, I am keeping my pet rats at the office.

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