my cat damaged my housemates property

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Basically, my cat pee'd on my housemates drumset which was placed in the living room. He's threatening to sue me if I don't sign an affadavit telling him I'm going to pay him 75$ every month until $600 dollars is paid. Is there anything I should be worried about, or anything I should do? I do not mind promising to pay him a certain amount of money because my cats are my responsibility, but I would also like to protect myself because he has been being dishonest and manipulative. are there any dangers to signing the document?
I don't think the cat did $600 worth of damage to his drumset. You only owe him whatever it would take to repair the damage done. You do NOT owe what it would cost to buy new drums. $600 sounds too much to me. Do not be worried about being sued. It's not that big of a deal, the judge is going to give him less than he wants. Do not sign this paper unless he will ask for less money.
Your roommate knew you have cats- he had a shared responsibility to keep the drums away from the cats if he was concerned about them.
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