My Cop Neighbor and his wife are harassing our family!!! Legal Help!

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Ok. So long story. I will try to sum it up as painless as possible.

Basically we live in an HOA middle class neighborhood and for a while things were fine UNTIL 2 years after our neighbor moved day my next door neighbor (who's married to a sheriff) tells me a big fat LIE. She says that our long time friend and neighbor was seen by her running from our big bush to across the street to their car and "hiding" late at night as she's driving to her home.. I ask her.. did you see his face?? She says NO but I saw a figure, blah blah blah.. So basically based on a shadow figure she assumes it is our neighbor.. No evidence..

She then proceeds to eventually harass this whole family over there.. there is 6 people that live in that family and this person has a key to my home and has been a good friend for a long time.

So I entertain and IGNORE her silliness thinking it was all humorous and stupid.. So after about 2 years.. she starts to physically go over to every neighbors house within 1 block all directions and proceeds to tell each neighbor that so and so is most in fact trying to be a peeping tom around the neighborhood and she's not having that!. Basically she tries to defame the whole family (but she tries to still be nice to their children?!? - weird).. I decided I had had enough of the BS and after a another lie she tells me when I find out from other neighbors she tried to have kids tear down my bush by beating it to death, breaking pots by the bushes. etc etc.... She blames the kids about the bush and tells me this..The other stuff happened because they have loud drunk parties all the time.. but she never speaks of that.. LOL so she blames it all on kids and then I found out from other neighbors who saw it that she and the cop hubby stood there and watched the whole thing.. never speaking a word to me about it.. until afterwards when I confronted her later on...

So I try my hardest to let her know that messing with my shrubs and plants is unacceptable (her or kids) and I will call the cops if ANYONE tries to vandalize my stuff again (regardless)...not pointing the finger directly at her... but in a round about way... I told her I just want to be left alone and I don't want to be a bother.. She tries to yell and scream at me that how dare I accuse her of tearing up my plants. So I told her regardless who did what; that I was gonna have to put up security cameras since we feel pretty invaded at this point and I have no other choice. She just boast to me that she will too.

Months go by and nothing then she just stops talking to me.. starts staring at me.. looking at me weird.. Then it starts.. I garden a lot and go out to the front of my yard to garden my plants and flowers in their beds.. For the next several months she proceeds to harass me.. looks at me and under her breath says, "What are you looking at bitch", Fuck you and all sorts of things.. so one day I had had it.. she says something under her breathe and then (with my husband by my side) I proceed to engage in conversation.. argument.. and I ask what the hell is wrong with her? She yells that I am slut, a bitch and a liar.. All of which made me laugh.. I proceed to tell her how can I be a slut if I am married.? and what did I lie about.. She stops and pauses..confused.. I asked how I could be a liar when I wasn't the one going around the neighbor spreading lies and defaming a person without any evidence to back it up with.. it all is pretty elementary and stupid.. so she wont stop her bitching and I call the cops on her.. (the cops are from a different county than her hubby works in).. The cops from each other's county don't get a long at all... She lies to them trying to get me arrested but they don't arrest me.. I hadn't put up cameras yet. Cop advised me to after this happened. even the cops know she is a bad apple.

So after that she has her husband walk with her outside all the time... Please keep in mind he is law enforcement, she is on an HOA entertainment committee.. all of which is pretty dumb committee.. so anyways months go by and she shuts her pie hole for a while.. Then she starts back with the neighbor family she accused the hubby of spying on her.. she proceeds to put up all sorts of solar lights around her front yard, driveway all over.. crazy insane crap. It just gets more stupid.. I find my plants cut and stuff poured on a new plant I planted in my backyard that faces their property.. I have now started to plant a lot of crap to keep them from harassing us more..

So she leaves us a lone for a while then starts all over again.. basically what I did is put up security cameras that face OUR property (not hers) and this must have pissed her off.. (we go on long trips so I need it for safety of our home & plus with her acting crazy; I didn't know if she would do other things when we weren't home.)-- but she proceeds to buy cameras and decides to make them facing them at OUR property like 5 months later and one is placed directly pointing at our driveway into our garage within 30 feet of our home.. She then points out the cameras while she is having a party to her HOA committee buddies (they wave at my cameras and laugh) then the next week she gets a volunteer award.. all the while she is harassing us..I'm like WTF? is going on here.. can't they see she is invading our privacy.. how can someone win a volunteer award when they are harassing their neighbors???!!! crazy!

I am getting tired of this ( I have complained to the HOA and the cops and nothing) and I am a disabled vet with PTSD.. I really want to just be left alone and wish she would move or just leave us be. My advice I got from a cop was to get a RO against both of them.. I may end up doing this if is gets really really bad but until that point and I am trying to deescalate it all by planting bushes in between our property line and extending our fence line as well as putting up a flag to block her viewing of us all the time (it's really un-nerving)..I also document anything she does to our property from our video cameras.. I am doing what I can legally without stepping on her toes so to speak but she just keeps trying to make us all upset.. Neighbors around us all hate her and thinks she's crazy and the cops think she and her husband are doing what they can legally to try to get rid of us.. so..

My question is this: What can I do to make sure she doesn't try to get the HOA to kick us out of our property or worse.. we bought our home in 2005 and don't want to move until we are ready (maybe 5 years).... She is NOT on the deed but the law husband is.. what else can I do to make sure she doesn't go past that line.. how should I legally handle this to stop her horrible ways. I have never done anything to this women or her husband except for yelling at her the time she was trying to get me upset and not believing her crap..
& BTW: she got worse.. one of our neighbors works for a company that works with the HOA board; he explained what was going on and they talked to her and told her to stop.. then she started on us again.. I just wish this would all stop!!

What would you do that would be legal... ?? Thanks..
Taking video evidence of damages and police reports are an effective way to obtain RO's. TX is rather lenient with them. That said, it is a serious step toward destroying someones career and life.
How can you get a restraining order against HIM when it appears that SHE has been the source of your problems?
TX grants them easily. All you need to do is file an affidavit saying you are in fear of a person who has threatened you basically.
But HE does not appear to have threatened anyone. And if making a false claim against him causes an order to issue that would essentially end his employment, I suspect he'd have a heck of a lawsuit against the OP. MAYBE a case can be made for the wife's harassment, but, the husband?
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