My employeer is harrassing me

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Can my employeer contact my doctor to ask when my appoitnment time eas and what time I left the Dr's office? My HR Rep. is listed on my HIPPA paperwork work but each year we attend a training class that is given by company Lawyers out of Birmingham and they cleary stated that you company is not allowed to contact you dr. even if it is covered FMLA. Per their lawyers, the companies physician should have contacted my dr. I think her calling my dr was unacceptable and even though she is listed on my HIPPA paperwork at the time she called she was on the clock and so that would make her my employeer whe she called. I went over her head which was amistake. Around the time this all happended, a "Whistle Blower" letter was send to our coporate office that I know absolutley nothing about and my HR department is harassing me becasue they think I did it. I have been with this company for 71/2 years and have tried to get help with thelawyers in town but they are scared to take my case. They have written my up about 7 time in the last year trying to fire me. I thought all this time it was because I went over their head until I found out it was because they think I wrote that letter. They have harrassed my so my and belittled me to I'm at the point where it has affected my home like and is amothionally taken a tole on me.

Please help me! I'm pretty sure I have a case just because she contacted my dr. But is there any thing else I can do. I cant go to corprate because that would just be a joke.

Also, can you tell my if your employeer is allowed to keep document on your personal or medical file and not give you copies of anything not even the documnets that they make you sign. If I refuse to sign a write up can they fire me?:dunno::
The laws have changed and employers are permitted to contact doctors directly now. In fact, there never was a law prohibiting them from confirming the times of appointments.

The answer to your second question depends on what state you are in.
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