My ex lives in Canada and is threatening to post my buddies online unless I pay up


New Member
I was dating someone for a year. I live in California and he lives in British Columbia Canada. We recently broke up and he's emailed and texted me numerous times, extremely angry threatening to post my videos online on pornography websites.

He coerced me to take nudies which I have never done in my life and make these gross porno type videos for his personal pleasure. He has always told me that he would delete them right away but I just saw in his phone that he was backing it up on his cloud. He grabbed his phone from me when I tried to delete them. We got into a fight and broke up and now he is coming at me with threats. He's also made the inclination that he doesn't hope my son sees them online when he's older. That is an indirect threat and also all other communications were direct threats. He was supposed to delete everything I sent him but he didn't!!

Now he's demanding money I do not owe him.

What can I do?
He's crazy and sending me emails from both his personal email and work email constantly threatening me.

Is there anything I can do to have the authorities in Canafa retrieve my pics and videos? Again he told me that if I send it to him he would delete it right away but apparently he never did. He had the pictures and videos on his phone and it was uploaded to his cloud. Who knows where else he could've backed it up. He lied about everything!

All I want is the authority to retrieve my property from him. The problem is I live in California and he's in Canada. What are my options? I do not believe he will back down because he's a sex addict lunatic and he says his high profile family will take me down f I report it to the authorities.

Please help. I am in despair!!!!
No one will do much of anything about this type of conduct, especially because he's in another country.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, the US touts the new "revenge porn" laws, toothless, dead on arrival beats, unles the alleged perp is way, way out there and has had at it for years!!!

Read this lawyer's blog on "revenge porn" laws:

State Revenge Porn Laws | C.A. GOLDBERG

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