my ex mother in law is withholding my and my children belongings


New Member
My ex mother in law and i lived together since last october 2014 . me and her recently have had a disagreement about how she choices to live while my children live in the home and i do not agree so i decided to leave. she told me if my father pulled up in the yard to help me collect my things thAT she would call the police on him so i called them myself and explained to them i am just trying to leave and she i yelling at me in front of my children. so they let me go in and get enough for a night then tell me call in the morning and make an appointment. so i do we go over there and the police tell me i can only get what she says is okay she said clothes diapers and bottles. well okay what about thier baby beds my bed all our belongings . everything in our rooms is ours it was either purchased by me or was a gift to us. i am an oocupent on the lease and they are making me go to court to fight her about claiming my stuff. can she really withhold my items . is it legal ? and also i still have a house key so if i was to go in when she is not there and collect my stuff would it be illegal? oh and to add on she os being evicted so my stuff will be on the street or she will pack it up and take it with her if i cant get something done fast
You signed a lease with your ex mother in law and despite not wanting to expose your children to her lifestyle, moved you and your children in with her? If it is your house too and no order to stay away has been issued, you can go and retrieve your belongings. Or, take her to small claims court. you tell your side as to why you feel the items are yours. she tells hers. The judge decides who is more believable. If you were all being evicted it seems this was a living situation which was soon to end.
I don't see why you can't go & get your things. Otherwise, the option would be through the court system.