My Fathers Will question

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Hello. My dad passed away 3 years ago. He left me as care taker of my mom
who is semi/ slight skitzophrenic . Which i promised him i would watch after her. . In his will , he left me as executor . and states that my younger brother and i must split bills , costs, care for mom. He has not lived up to his part. I have payed property taxes on the house, payed the utilities and put food on the table. Have maintained my job etc. and still watch after her. I never made an issue out of it because he is my brother and hoped things would change on his part. My question is , do i have any legal right to ask him to leave the house, if so whats the best way to go about it, or will i face issues for waiting so long to give a deadbeat the boot.

thanks for reading .. jess
The home in which your brother residesis in whose name? Are you the legal guardian of your mother? If you can't answer yes to both questions, you might not have a legal leg on which to stand if you open yourmouth!

You might try getting your brother to speak with you and someone else about this matter. It seems to me after three years, he no longer cares.

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