my fiance and I own a home together

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We are splitting up. We are vested as joint tenants with right of survivorship.
If he hires a lawyer, do you think it is necessary for me to?
We have shared financial responsiblity for the household equally and have contributed equally to any maintenance and improvements to the home.
I was told that if lawyers are hired in these cases, they tend to just prolong things and eat up the equity and the end result is still 50/50 of the equity (minus legal fees if we go that route). Is this true?
That may be true in some cases; however, know that your fiancee's lawyer will be working for him and his best interests. If the financial split is straightforward, you both agree and are happy with the proposed agreement, then you can probably let his lawyer handle it. Just be sure you read everything and understand it. Don't assume anything, and don't rely on either one's interpretation of the agreement.
Why don't you guys just sell the house and split the equity 50/50 or one buy the other out? You should not need an attorney for this.
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