New Member
My friend and I were trying out clothes in separate fitting rooms. I then put the stuff I wasn't getting back on the racks of return ****. I go to help my friend in her fitting room to carry out her stuff <she had a lot of clothes in there with her>. Anyways, we're leaving the store, security takes us back to their little office and questioned us. My friend apparently had stolen a shirt from the store while she was in the fitting room, and had it underneath her shirt. I didn't have anything on me at all. They took some dumb mug pic of me. made me sign a paper stating I wasn't allowed back in the store, because I was an "accomplice". They said I may be fined even though I took nothing. I'd like to know if they would actually fine me? No cops were called either, they said my record would still be clean. would it really? The chick that stole is 21, and I am 19. Please... I need some insight.
< i was unaware of my friend's actions. > :blush
< i was unaware of my friend's actions. > :blush